Epoxy Mortar Drop Test: Questmark's Concrete Floor Repair Products
Are you responsible for maintaining concrete floors? If so, you may be interested in learning about QuestMark's epoxy repair mortar and how it holds up in the field.
Whether you have small joint, crack repairs or major resurfacing to complete, QuestMark’s full line of concrete floor patch and repair products will provide you with the commercial flooring solutions you need.
In this short video, we compare the durability of QuestMark's Epoxy Mortar patch to a general cementitious mortar with a drop test. For the drop test, the QuestMark presenter is going to drop a ten pound steel ball bearing on each of the materials from various heights to see how they hold up. You definitely want to watch the video in its entirety because the results are astounding!
Click here to learn more about our commercial floor patch and repair products on our online shop: https://www.questmarkflooring.com/patch-repair.html