QuestMark Polished Concrete Cleaning Guidelines Video | QuestMark Flooring Solutions
Watch this quick video to help you keep your polished concrete floors in the best shape possible. Polished concrete is a prevalent flooring option for many industrial and commercial facilities. It is durable, long-lasting and requires minimal maintenance. However, it is essential to clean and maintain your floors on a regular basis. Contaminants such as dirt, rainwater, salt and other harsh chemicals may pose slip hazards and diminish the shine. This video by QuestMark talks about polished concrete floor cleaning schedule, recommended cleaning tools and supplies and how to apply them correctly.
For more tips, check out our free Polished Concrete Cleaning Guidelines brochure and visit our online shop to order the products you need to keep your floors in top shape:
Brochure: https://www.questmarkflooring.net/DigitalLibrary/PolishedConcreteCleaningGuidelines/
Online flooring shop: https://www.questmarkflooring.com/all-products.html
Visit out website: https://www.questmarkflooring.com/